The Water Cure Hydration is a Key

When reviewing some old video, I came across a combative interview I watched in the mid 90s on the “Water Cure” by Mr. Bob Butts.   It got my attention because I was just diagnosed with “early” stage high blood pressure and have been an advocate for getting your drinking water tested.  To be honest, it was his passion on the issues of that encourage me to follow a path that includes the issues of water.   Mr. Butts Hydration so I though it might be nice to post a short story with additional information.  He was a hydration advocate.   I think I meet Mr. Butts when I did a “Call the Doctor Show” in 1990’s.  He was not on the show, but he was in the studio.

“Bob Butts, owner of Cee-Kay Auto Parts stores in Kingston, Wilkes-Barre, Pittston, Moosic and Scranton, died Monday at his home in Old Forge. He was 83. Although Butts was an auto parts dealer, he spent a fortune trying to cure people’s health problems. For years, he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars advertising what he believed to be the cure for every illness. His recommended cure involved drinking an ounce of water for every two pounds a person weighs, using one-quarter teaspoon of sea salt for each quart of water and avoiding alcohol, soda and caffeine.”

I think the video “Titled: From the Grave” is a good start.

What is the water cure ?

“The Water Cure is a natural health care or holistic treatment that helps your body find homeostasis (its natural balance) so that you can have your optimal (best) health.  It is the first of several important steps you need to do to correct things that may be causing you to have various diseases and conditions.It is also the most important thing you can do to maintain your best health. This is why this site is dedicated to the curative properties of water and electrolytes (salt, magnesium, potassium and others).”

I would suggest the following – watch the following two videos

WYOU Interview – Part 1
WYOU Interview- Part 2

Let me be get this straight I am not sure if drinking more water with salt is the answer, but it is clear that proper hydration is key.

I will end with these quotes:

“You’re not sick; you’re thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.”  Dr. F. Batmanghelidj

I will add to this – “Some of the time when You feel hungry, your not hungry; you’re thirsty. ”
Brian Oram, PG – NO MD – Have a Blessed Day!  Safe Journey

Please get your drinking water tested – it does not do you any good to drink water that contains elevated levels of trace metals, organics, and synthetic organics.

Your Drinking Water and Your Health – You are Not an Observer !

Even though 60% of the human body is water, water is a resource that is often taken for granted.  The primary concerns with water relate to having adequate quantity of the proper quality.  In terms of hydration, drinking water is probably one of the best ways to keep your body healthy.  Water is used in your body to help maintain your temperature and ensures the proper operation of your circulatory, digestive, and neurological systems.   Water is one of the pathways that potential contaminants and disease causing agents can enter the body, so the quality is also important.   Therefore, we need drinking water of adequate quantity of the proper quality.

When the body is not properly hydrated, our body’s response is to make us feel thirsty, but if you miss this clue watch out for dry mouth, swollen tongue, weakness, dizziness, confusion, palpitations, and fainting.   If over hydrated, you can become water intoxicated or hyperhydration.  If hyperhydration occurs, the kidneys can not process all the water and the system becomes overwhelmed.   There are phone apps and other tools to help you to remember to drink enough water, but our general recommendation is if you feel thirsty it is time to get a drink and given a choice pick water.

Water comes in many forms, which can include premium bottled water, tap water, spring water, carbonated water, soda, coffee, tap water, nutrient infused water, juices, and purified water.   Of all these, it is my professional opinion that we just need to drink water.   The two most common sources of drinking water for a community is either public water or a private water source.  A public water source is always regulated by both the federal and state governments and many may call this city water or tapwater, but well or spring water may be from a public or private source.   If you get your water directly from a well or spring, this is a private source and this is not commonly regulated.

If you get your water from city water, the most common health concerns are related to the presence of chlorine-by-products or corrosive by-product in the United States, the public water supply systems are disinfected using various forms of chlorine and phosphate is added to attempt to control corrosion.  The chlorine is used to disinfect the water, but it can react with naturally occurring organics to form trihalomethanes, i.e., a potential carcinogen; while phosphate will react with the metals in the water to form a scale or coating on the inside of the piping, see “Flint, Michigan”.    If you are on well water, the most common problems are the presence of bacteria and elevated levels of salts in the water, like nitrate, chloride, and sulfate, or corrosive water.   In some cases, the water may contain elevated levels of radionuclides and trace metals, like arsenic, iron, lead, and manganese.      The quality of the drinking water depends on type of water, location, level of treatment, the condition of your plumbing, and your home or house.   In some areas, the community is concerned about pipelines and natural gas development, but a hidden problem may be the existing quality of their drinking water.

For citizens, our general recommendations related to drinking water are:

1. City Water Customers– Review any annual “Consumer Confident Reports” produced by your water supplier and act accordingly.
2. Mostovskoy Private Water Sources -Get your water tested, at least annually, and have the results review by an expert (our Mail order program) or maybe conduct a in-home screening test yourself and calculate your Water Quality Rank.
3. Look out for potential problems with your drinking water, based on what you can see, taste, smell, or otherwise detect with your senses or problems that may be caused by the water.
4. Review our Drinking Water Diagnostic Web Application.

A few short phrases we should try to remember.

We ALL Live Downstream !
Groundwater and Surface water are Connected!
We are Part of the Water Cycle – Not just an Observer!

Websites of Interest

Consumer Confidence Reports

Neighborhood Hazardous Reports and Water Testing