Alkaline Drinking Water Health Benefits Make Alkaline Water at Home

Make Your Own Alkaline Water at Home – Go Bottleless !

Alkaline water is slightly less acidic than regular drinking water and contains alkaline minerals with a pH > 7.  Alkaline water has a higher pH level than most tap water  and well water sources that are used for drinking water. In fact, in Pennsylvania, a primary problem with well water is that water is acidic and corrosive to the piping and it is recommended that a whole-house water treatment system a neutralizer be installed. Most tap water has a pH from about 6.5 to 7.5, but alkaline water may range from 8 to 9. Alkaline water tends to have a high alkalinity and mineral content that includes calcium and magnesium as the dominant positive cations, but in some cases a natural water may be high in sodium or potassium.   As the pH of the water increases, the redox potential (Eh) of the water becomes more negative, but the degree of change is not just a function of the pH it depends on the water ionic chemistry.

In drinking water, “redox potential  is a measure of the tendency of the solution to either gain or lose electrons in a reaction. A solution with a higher (more positive) reduction potential than some other molecule will have a tendency to gain electrons from this molecule (i.e. to be reduced by oxidizing this other molecule) and a solution with a lower (more negative) reduction potential will have a tendency to lose electrons to other substances (i.e. to be oxidized by reducing the other substance).” (Source: Wikipedia)  The redox potential of the water can be measured using an 0xidation‐Reduction Potential  (ORP) sensor.  The Eh of the water is related to the ORP measurement based on the type of sensors used in the ORP meter.

Oxidation‐Reduction Potential (ORP) is a measurement  of the relative oxidizing or reducing condition of water and is typically monitored using a handheld voltage meter that measures the electrical potential between a platinum electrode and a reference electrode.   When the ORP value is positive this indicates an oxidizing environment while a negative value would suggest a more reducing condition.  The Eh, or redox potential,  can be used to estimate the reduction potential for your drinking water.

If the sensor is made using an Ag/AgCl reference electrode with a 1 M KCl fill solution the correction factor is + 236 mv.

If the sensor is made using an Ag/AgCl reference electrode with a saturated KCl fill solution the correction factor is + 197 mv.

For example, the Orp Sensor is a platinum ‐ Ag/Ag Cl electrode where the reference electrode is filled with 1 M KCL and you get a reading on the sensor of  – 125 the actual EH of the fluid is:

-125 mv + 200 mv = 75 mv

DIY Alkaline Water systems are designed to initially provide a physical barrier to remove contaminants and purify the water to remove chlorine by-products, particles 5 micron or greater, and heavy metals.  An alkaline water system manufactured by Crystal Quest has a GAC and anionic resin to pesticides & herbicides, volatile organic compounds, pharmaceutical by-products & other inorganic substances such as petroleum byproducts. The final filter increases the calcium and magnesium content of the water and the water pH.

Alkaline Water Counter Top System

Alkaline Water Under the Counter System

There is a lot of controversy related to the consumption and use of alkaline water and ionized water.   The following is a taste of some of the available information on this topic.

We are not advocating for the consumption of either approach, but we think the user and customer should have the facts and available information and make a choice that meets there needs and their personal preferences.    The Keystone Clean Water TEAM and the Know Your H20 Team are not ADVOCATES or Warriors Just Scientists.  We provided this information to address questions asked as part of our education and outreach efforts.

If you do not want to Go Bottleless and you do not want to buy distillation equipment (distiller) and filtration equipment- you may want to try ” Smartwater Alkaline Water 9+ pH – Vapor Distilled Premium Water


Many health professionals say there isn’t enough research to support the health claims made by alkaline water advocates.

Drinking Alkaline Water potential side effects??

Personal – Adults get to make a choice and we all have personal preferences and slightly different sensors when it goes to the smell and taste of water.

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