Letter to editor the Times Tribune- February 2, 2018

Letter to Editor by Brian Oram on Pipelines and Natural Gas –  LINK 

Short Version =Published

“Regarding climate, energy, and the environment, the discussion should not be over fossil fuels or renewables or over electrical lines or gas pipelines, but how best to invest in America and its citizens.  


There is a lot of irony when it comes to discussions of fossil fuels, energy, and politics.  On one hand there is a push for diversity in our culture, because it makes us strong, but when it comes to energy it seems to be divided into two small camps.  The solution is not 100% fossil fuels and 100% renewables, the long-term solution lies in a diverse energy package that permits the United States of America and its citizens to flourish


We must make our energy decisions based on facts and not fear.  From my perspective, natural gas complements the renewable energy, i.e.,  solar, wind, hydropower, and biofuel capacity for the country and it helps ensure we have a diverse mix of energy resources.


Reaching our climate goals is impossible without natural gas because it’s one of the cleanest sources of energy and is responsible for the 90 percent decrease in U.S. emissions since 1990. While U.S. natural gas production is up 50 percent since 2005, total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are down 11 percent.


To be honest, I have worked on more renewable energy projects then natural gas projects and I have seen many renewable energy projects get denied because of a not in my backyard (NIMBY) mindset .   

A combination of natural gas and renewable resources is the most realistic option for helping our environment while providing affordable energy to American homes.”

Longer Version (Not published)

“The division over energy, politics, economy, and environmental issues in the United States will not help solve our issues as a country.  It is time that we begin to look and make decisions based on facts, not fear.   Regarding climate, energy, and the environment, the discussion should not be over fossil fuels or renewables or over electrical lines or gas pipelines, but how best to invest in America and its citizens.  The main problems with energy are we waste a lot, we have no real storage solutions that are cost effective, and we have created urban areas that are unsustainable with respect to energy, food, and water.   Therefore our first steps should not be to pick a side of renewables over fossil fuels, but figure out a way to deal with the issues of energy waste, energy demand, energy distribution, and inefficiency.   What we have now is a system where as a country we waste over 50% of the energy we use and as a group we should ALL agree that reducing energy waste should be a Team effort.

If you support the hypothesis of man-induced and controlled climate change, we could do a lot to minimize this impact by decreasing energy waste and increasing efficiency.  If you support, the hypothesis that the sun and earth process dominate Earth’s climate and we are in an inter-glacial, we need to focus on energy efficiency, storage technology, and decrease waste for economic reasons.   Why?  Because the 50% of the energy we waste is 1 year, could have powered the UK for 7 years.   We as a country are fighting the wrong battle.  With this understanding both extremes should be able to agree that energy efficiency, a stable energy grid, and homegrown energy resources help the United States of America move forward.

There is a lot of irony when it comes to discussions of fossil fuels, energy, and politics.  On one hand there is a push for diversity in our culture, because it makes us strong, but when it comes to energy it seems to be divided into two small camps.  The solution is not 100% fossil fuels and 100% renewables, the long-term solution lies in a diverse energy package that permits the United States of America and its citizens to flourish and still do our best to protect this “Big Blue Ball” and when this occurs America has a long-term history of helping the other inhabitants on this planet.

This does not mean we put our heads in the sand and not address issues and concerns, but it also means that fear should not be used to drive a narrative.  We must make our decisions based on facts and not fear.  From my perspective, natural gas complements the renewables, i.e., solar, wind, hydropower, and biofuel capacity for the country and it helps ensure we have a diverse mix of energy resources.  To be honest, I have worked on more renewable energy projects then natural gas projects and I have seen many renewable energy projects get denied because of NIMBY.   Based on the current status of the energy grid, it is not possible for the renewable portfolio to meet the instantaneous energy needs of our Country.   Let’s stop the name calling and work together to come up with short-term and long-term solutions and invest in the research and development to make renewable energy with storage technologies a real long-term solution for the World.    It is time for America to grow-up.

This push and pull between fossil fuels and renewables is often just as polarized as the current political climate, but an irony has played out: the growth in wind and solar is often linked to, not separate from, growth in natural gas.

Natural gas complements renewables like solar and wind and helps ensure we have a diverse mix of energy resources. While, solar and wind can produce varying amounts of energy, natural gas is available on demand, immediately and provides critical support to our renewable resources. Reaching our climate goals is impossible without natural gas because it’s one of the cleanest sources of energy and is responsible for the 90 percent decrease in U.S. emissions since 1990. While U.S. natural gas production is up 50 percent since 2005, total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are down 11 percent.

Natural gas is the most realistic option for helping our environment. This energy source will allow people to keep the lifestyle habits they are inevitably going to use anyway, and they can do so with the environment’s best interest in mind.”

This was a letter to the editor by Mr. Brian Oram – submitted to the Times Tribune.

Oxidize It™ brand – Interesting Product – Detergent-Less Laundry System

Oxidize It™ brand- We are super excited to have you join the Oxidize It™ family. Our Parent company, FVS INC. is now celebrating 30 years of business. The Oxidize It™ has been, and will continue to go, through advance testing and research to improve the machines inner workings. The Oxidize It™ can be used on all types of washing machines; it does not use hot water.  You do not have to use laundry detergent or laundry fabric softener, which means an average family of four can save up to $677 annually. Which is a great savings to your customers. The Oxidize It™ Detergent-Less Laundry System has a 5-year warranty and has been tested to last over 10 years.

The Oxidize It™ injects ozone into the water creating an oxidant, which opens the fibers softening, releasing soils and killing bacteria 3,000 times faster than bleach.  You may have to use a pre-stain or spot remover on spots or stains prior to washing, just like with regular laundry.

Different Similar Product available via Retail

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Our Company does not allow any advertising or pricing online.  The Oxidize It™ is strictly a direct sale item.  You establish your retail price, which puts you in control of the margins you need to run a successful business.   They are looking for retail pathways.


We have included attachments to this email for you. These include information regarding what is unique about the Oxidize It™ and an informational brochure telling you more about the product itself and what it can do. We have also included three science articles one written by Dr. Sheila Baker, one by Owner Darrell Weeter on the use of ozone in laundry, and one by Jenn Beem our marketing analyst on the cost effective way to Disinfect your laundry.

You are more than welcome to check out our website as well <http://www.oxidizeit.com/> .

Note: We are just providing options and information.

Ticks – Sars and Zika: ticks are the next global health threat

“Since the beginning of our species we have been at war. It’s a continuous, never ending fight against the smallest of adversaries: armies of pathogens and parasites. As we have developed new ways to survive and stop them, they have evolved ever more complex and ingenious methods to thwart our efforts.

Humans have faced numerous attempts to challenge our dominance on planet Earth , and from the Black Death to the Spanish flu, we have weathered them all. However, since the start of the 21st century, with its trend towards global interconnection, these onslaughts are ever-increasing. In the past 17 years we have battled Sars, the Ebola virus, Mers, and more recently the mysterious mosquito-borne Zika virus. These diseases seeming to appear from nowhere and rapidly ravage our populations. One commonality is that they almost always originate in animals before jumping across to people, and few parasites are as good at jumping between animals and people as the tick.”

Read More


Ticks in Pennsylvania

1) PA Department of Health – Lyme Disease
2) Sawyer Products SP6572 Twin Pack Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent Trigger Spray, 24 oz,Yellow

Farm Bureau Statement on WOTUS Jurisdiction Decision

The following may be attributed to Ellen Steen, General Counsel of the American Farm Bureau Federation:

“The U.S. Supreme Court ruled correctly today that federal district courts—not federal courts of appeals—have jurisdiction to review the 2015 Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule. This Supreme Court decision brings greater clarity to an important issue that has bogged down the litigation over this and other Clean Water Act regulations for years. That is a positive result, but it also creates uncertainty and confusion in the short term, because the Sixth Circuit must soon lift its nationwide stay of the 2015 rule.

[amazon_link asins=’B0037LIWHW’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’webdespro-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’1ca09e1f-ffae-11e7-bf6f-49d3bc99541a’]

“At this time, the Environmental Protection Agency has not yet finalized its proposed rule to delay the application of the unlawful and dangerous 2015 WOTUS rule while the agency considers whether to permanently repeal that rule. AFBF is considering its options to avoid application of the 2015 rule while EPA moves forward with an appropriate long-term solution that provides clear rules and clean water without requiring a federal permit to plow a field.”

Will Rodger
Director, Policy Communications
(202) 406-3642

Kari Barbic
AFBF Media Specialist
(202) 406-3672

Learn More: https://www.fb.org/newsroom/farm-bureau-statement-on-wotus-jurisdiction-decision


Master Watershed Steward Program Monroe County Pennsylvania

January 8, 2018
Penn State Extension and the Monroe County Conservation District are excited to launch the Master Watershed Steward Program.
The Master Watershed Steward program is a collaborative effort between Penn State Extension, Monroe County Conservation District, and local conservation groups. It is similar to the Master Gardener program and is designed to train people in a formal way about the basics of water resource stewardship, creating an energized and educated group of citizens. Currently, the MWS program is in 13 counties across the state and has 194 volunteers that have contributed over 7,500 volunteer hours in 2017.
We are recruiting 20-25 interested people for the class of 2018. The class will consist of 40 hours of training on various topics, including water quality, stream health, groundwater, native plants, and recreational resources. Once this part of the training is complete, trainees perform 50 hours of volunteer service on selected projects such as:
– Organizing and executing stream cleanups.
– Designing and installing demonstration rain gardens.
– Assist in stream restorations.
– Organize educational workshops addressing topics such as rain barrels, pollution prevention, invasive plant control, and stormwater management.


[amazon_link asins=’B01LWOUXH3,0870714988,B01EUD46ZC’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’webdespro-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’a994123f-fafe-11e7-b724-b19b0d130fcb’]

Applicants are welcome from all walks of life. If under 18, you must be accompanied by a guardian or adult. The program will start on Thursday, March 1, 2018, 6:00-8:30 pm and will continue every Thursday through May. There will be several Saturday field trips.
An informational session at 6:30 pm will be held on January18 at:
Monroe County Conservation District
8050 Running Valley Rd.
Stroudsburg, Pa.
If interested, please contact:

Jim Vogt
Phone: 570-421-6430
Email: jav45@psu.edu
Web: extension.psu.edu/programs/watershed-stewards/counties/monroe
Penn State Extension
Monroe County
724 Phillips Street, Suite 201
Stroudsburg, PA 18360

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