Marcellus Seminar for Teachers & Educational Professionals at Mansfield University

The Marcellus Seminar will be offered this Summer as a professional development opportunity for middle and high school educators and guidance counselors to explore impacts and issues of Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction. Educators will participate in learning sessions and field trips that will address drilling techniques, air and water quality issues associated with the development of shale gas, and prevention measures that are taken to limit or negate environmental impacts. Each participant will leave with a tool-kit of educational materials that can be used in their classroom or school when discussing the natural gas industry.

The seminar is being held at Mansfield University and has been developed by Dr. Jennifer Demchak.

It will run from July 15-17, 2013 for a cost of $130, which includes all learning sessions, supplies, field trips and meals.

Overnight accommodations for two evenings are available in Mansfield University’s suite-style Hickory Manor for an additional $70/person.

Advance registration with a $75.00 deposit is required.

Please visit the Marcellus Institute website at or contact the institute at 570-662-4820 for more information.

For a pdf

Dr. Jennifer Demchak
Dr. Jennifer Demchak leads the Watershed Management program in the Geography and Geology Department. She teaches courses such as Introduction to Watershed Management, Introduction to Soils, and Hydrogeology. Her main professional interests are acid mine drainage remediation.

She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (B.S. Biology, 1996), Clarion University ( M.S. Biology, 1998) and West Virginia University (Ph.D. Plant and Soil Science, 2005). From 2002 to the present she has been president of an environmental consulting company which focusses on watershed management and mine drainage treatment. She is the advisor of the Watershed club and has instilled a passion for watershed restoration in many students in the department.To contact Dr. Demchak call (570) 662-4613 or email to

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