Gas drilling in Appalachia yields a foul byproduct

Gas drilling in Appalachia yields a foul byproduct

Tuesday, February 2, 2010; 2:40 PM

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A drilling technique that is beginning to unlock staggering quantities of natural gas underneath Appalachia also yields a troubling byproduct: powerfully briny wastewater that can kill fish and give tap water a foul taste and odor.

m_shaleWith fortunes, water quality and cheap energy hanging in the balance, exploration companies, scientists and entrepreneurs are scrambling for an economical way to recycle the wastewater.

“Everybody and his brother is trying to come up with the 11 herbs and spices,” said Nicholas DeMarco, executive director of the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association.

Drilling crews across the country have been flocking since late 2008 to the Marcellus Shale, a rock bed the size of Greece that lies about 6,000 feet beneath New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. Geologists say it could become the most productive natural gas field in the U.S., capable of supplying the entire country’s needs for up to two decades by some estimates.

Before that can happen, the industry is realizing that it must solve the challenge of what to do with its wastewater. As a result, the Marcellus Shale in on its way to being the nation’s first gas field where drilling water is widely reused.

The polluted water comes from a drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” in which millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals are blasted into each well to fracture tightly compacted shale and release trapped natural gas.

Fracking has been around for decades. But the drilling companies are now using it in conjunction with a new horizontal drilling technique they brought to Appalachia after it was proven in the 1990s to be effective on a shale formation beneath Texas.

Fracking a horizontal well costs more money and uses more water, but it produces more natural gas from shale than a traditional vertical well.

Once the rock is fractured, some of the water – estimates range from 15 to 40 percent – comes back up the well. When it does, it can be five times saltier than seawater and laden with dissolved solids such as sulfates and chlorides, which conventional sewage and drinking water treatment plants aren’t equipped to remove.

At first, many drilling companies hauled away the wastewater in tanker trucks to sewage treatment plants that processed the water and discharged it into rivers – the same rivers from which water utilities then drew drinking water.

But in October 2008, something happened that stunned environmental regulators: The levels of dissolved solids spiked above government standards in southwestern Pennsylvania’s Monongahela River, a source of drinking water for more than 700,000 people.

Regulators said the brine posed no serious threat to human health. But the area’s tap water carried an unpleasant gritty or earthy taste and smell and left a white film on dishes. And industrial users noticed corrosive deposits on valuable machinery.

One 11-year-old suburban Pittsburgh boy with an allergy to sulfates, Jay Miller, developed hives that itched for two weeks until his mother learned about the Monongahela’s pollution and switched him to bottled or filtered water.

No harm to aquatic life was reported, though high levels of salts and other minerals can kill fish and other creatures, regulators say.

Pennsylvania officials immediately ordered five sewage treatment plants on the Monongahela or its tributaries to sharply limit the amount of frack water they accepted to 1 percent of their daily flow.

“It is a very great risk that what happened on the Monongahela could happen in many watersheds,” said Ronald Furlan, a wastewater treatment official for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. “And so that’s why we’re trying to pre-empt and get ahead of it to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

Regulators in Pennsylvania are trying to push through a new standard for the level of dissolved solids in water released from a treatment plant.

West Virginia authorities, meanwhile, have asked sewage treatment plants not to accept frack water while the state develops an approach to regulating dissolved solids.

And in New York, fracking is largely on hold while companies await a new set of state permitting guidelines.

For now, the Marcellus Shale exploration is in its infancy. Terry Engelder, a geoscientist at Penn State University, estimates the reserve could yield as much as 489 trillion cubic feet of gas. To date, the industry’s production from Pennsylvania, where drilling is most active, is approaching 100 billion cubic feet.

Wastewater from drilling has not threatened plans to develop the nation’s other gas reserves. Brine is injected into deep underground wells in places such as Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma, or left in evaporation ponds in arid states such as Colorado and Wyoming.

However, many doubt the hard Appalachian geology is porous enough to absorb all the wastewater, and the climate is too humid for evaporating ponds. That leaves recycling as the most obvious option.

Entrepreneurs are marketing portable systems that distill frack water at the well site.

Also, in southwestern Pennsylvania, Range Resources Corp., one of the gas field’s most active operators, pipes wastewater into a central holding pond, dilutes it with fresh water and reuses it for fracking. Range says the practice saves about $200,000 per well, or about 5 percent.

In addition, a $15 million treatment plant that distills frack water is opening in Fairmont, W.Va. The 200,000 gallons it can treat each day can then be trucked back for use at a new drilling site.

For years, regulators let sewage treatment plants take mining and drilling wastewater under the assumption that rivers would safely dilute. But fracking a horizontal well requires huge amounts of water – up to 5 million gallons per well, compared with 50,000 gallons in some conventional wells.

“In this case,” said John Keeling of MSES Consultants, which designed the Fairmont plant, “dilution is not the solution to pollution.”

Vicki Smith reported from Morgantown, W.Va.

Pennsylvania’s clean drinking water may be in jeopardy without regulations

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Pennsylvania’s clean drinking water may be in jeopardy without regulations
By Patriot-News Editorial Board
February 01, 2010, 7:10AM

Drinking water could become tainted if more regulations on Marcellus Shale drilling are not implemented.
water-glassClean water is something most Americans take for granted. When we turn on the tap, we expect a steady flow of clean water at whatever temperature we have indicated on the faucet dial.
Pennsylvania can no longer take drinking water for granted. The state faces a new threat to our water supply in the form of Marcellus Shale gas drilling. The process to extract the gas is called hydraulic fracturing, and as the name implies, it is hugely water intensive.
Fracturing has been around for a long time, but Marcellus drilling requires deep wells and even more water usage to break the shale and force the gas up.
The problem isn’t so much the initial quantity of the water. Pennsylvania is blessed with an abundance of fresh water. The issue is all the wastewater after it has been through this intensive industrial process.
At the moment, the resulting wastewater from operating Marcellus Shale wells is treated for basic contamination and then released back into the state’s streams and rivers.
But wastewater from Marcellus Shale isn’t normal. It often contains higher than average “total dissolved solvents,” some of which are toxic in high concentrations and can lead to conditions such as bladder cancer.
The state must set regulations on total dissolved solvents to protect our drinking water.
Some in the gas industry oppose harsher water regulations as draconian and “anti-competitive.” They argue that these solvents dilute away in the rivers.
That sounds nice, but there’s a basic math problem here. Our streams, while numerous, are not enough to dilute the quantities of water expected when Marcellus Shale drilling is up and running.
It was actually two natural gas drilling companies (Atlas and Range) that approached the Department of Environmental Protection and warned that if Marcellus Shale hydraulic fracturing explodes in number, then stream dilution is not going to be enough. Several rivers and streams are likely not to make the federal drinking water acceptability threshold.
In other words, our drinking water could become tainted.
The state already has experienced this once in the Monongahela River in 2008. That year, 17 water intake points from Pittsburgh to West Virginia were deemed unsafe from elevated bromide solvent levels (the cause was a number of factors of which gas drilling is thought to be one). We were behind the curve in solving the problem, and we do not want to be there again.
New “wastewater treatment requirements” have been proposed by DEP Secretary John Hanger. The easily accessible 10-page document is up on the department’s Web site for public review through Feb. 12. If enacted, the new rules would make Pennsylvania one of the leaders in this area.
Before anyone balks, let’s remember that Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale has been widely projected to be the largest shale gas bed in the world, outstripping even the Barnett Shale in Texas.
We’re going to have a lot more wastewater to deal with than everyone else, and DEP is right to be proactive.
The regulations set new levels of acceptability. For the first time, all companies would have to treat the wastewater for total dissolved solvents.
For bottom-line types, it boils down to this: Companies would have to pay slightly more to clean the wastewater before it goes back into Pennsylvania’s waterways. DEP estimates no more than 25 cents per gallon.
It’s a small price to pay for safety of future Pennsylvanians.
Watering the regulations down would be a mistake.

EPA Announces “Eyes on Drilling” Tipline

David Sternberg (215) 814-5548

PHILADELPHIA (January 26, 2010) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced the creation of the “Eyes on Drilling” tipline for citizens to report non-emergency suspicious activity related to oil and natural gas development.

The agency is asking citizens to call 1-877-919-4EPA (toll free) if they observe what appears to be illegal disposal of wastes or other suspicious activity. Anyone may also send reports by email to Citizens may provide tips anonymously if they don’t want to identify themselves.
Read more

Fracking Safe For Now, Clean Bill of Health Still Pending

Fracking Safe For Now, Clean Bill of Health Still Pending
Friday, January 22, 2010

*  Analysis by: GLG Expert Contributor
* Analysis of: Analysts says frac rules unlikely
* Published at:


A bad economy and the unfavorable political environment for Democrats put the Exxon XTO merger and fracking as a whole out of reach this year. As the economy improves, and if local bad press coverage of water problems near fracking sites continues (regardless of whether fracking is to blame) could lead emboldened Democrats to act, most likely to force companies to reveal to regulators (if not the public) the chemical content of the hydraulics they use. Potential action is at least a year away.


The House Energy Committee hearing this week went well for ExxonMobil, XTO, and fracking overall. Given the state of the economy and a fairly successful messaging campaign portraying climate change legislation as a job killer, Democrats realize that it would be dangerous to their careers to appear to be more concerned with the environment than the economy this year.

Fracking produces relatively clean domestically produced energy, two qualities that give it a leg up among politicians of all stripes. With these political considerations, the merger and fracking are both safe for the moment.

Fracking is not in the clear yet, however. Election year politics will make action difficult for opponents, and the stand alone bills introduced this summer are unlikely to move. There will be a jobs bill in the Senate this spring with some energy titles in it, and it’s possible but unlikely that some of anti-fracking language will find its way in.

The real threat comes in the medium to long term. As the economy starts to improve over the next 18-24 months, Democrats will become further emboldened. In the meantime, the EPA should complete it’s next look at shale fracking and drinking water. Anything less than a 100% safety finding leaves the door open for Congressional action.

If local news stories about brown water flowing from taps and gas leaking into basements continue (whether fracking is to blame or not), retail politics could lead to Congressional action. With Chuck Schumer (co-sponsor of the Senate anti-fracking bill) ascendant in the Democratic party, continued bad press in upstate New York, rural Pennsylvania, and Texas could spell trouble for the industry.

Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) on fracking

Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) on fracking

In the House on Wednesday, Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), through the Energy and Commerce Energy and Environment subcommittee he chairs, will review a plan by ExxonMobil to buy XTO Energy for $31 billion.

The hearing is also likely to delve into the topic of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a technique to blast water, chemicals and sand underground to create cracks for natural gas to flow through. Energy companies have used the practice for decades, but as huge natural-gas reserves have been discovered in shale deposits underlying populated areas in New York and Pennsylvania, new concerns have been raised about whether fracking is properly regulated.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) and Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) have introduced bills that would end the exemption fracking now has from the Safe Drinking Water Act and require companies to disclose the chemicals they use in the process.

ExxonMobil included a clause in its bid to buy XTO that it could back out of the deal if Congress moves to regulate hydraulic fracturing. Industry contends federal regulation is unnecessary, given state regulations. Energy companies also say more regulation will slow production of an important “bridge fuel,” so labeled because natural gas emits less carbon dioxide than do other fossil fuels, allowing time for renewable energy resources to develop.