PASPGP-5 Training Marcellus Shale Coalition General Permit 5 Stream and Wetlands Encroachments

PASPGP-5 Training
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
4.5 Professional Development Hours (PDH) available!

The Marcellus Shale Coalition is pleased to offer to all oil and gas industry stakeholders the opportunity to attend a training session on the recently released Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit 5 (PASPGP-5).

Section 404(e) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. §1344) provides for the issuance of Department of the Army (DA) general permits (GP) on a statewide basis, which operate in conjunction with a State regulatory program that protects the aquatic environment in a manner equivalent to the DA regulatory program, provided that the activities permitted under each category of such GPs are similar in nature and result in no more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse effects on the aquatic environment.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Dam Safety and Waterway Management Rules and Regulations establish a statewide permit program for protecting the waters of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth’s procedures for the granting of permits require the PA DEP to apply evaluation criteria consisting of alternatives analysis (for non-water dependent activities), avoidance techniques, the minimization of impacts, and if a permit is to be granted, compensatory mitigation. The evaluative criteria within the Commonwealth’s program are similar to Federal criteria under Section 404(b)(1) of the Federal Clean Water Act.

The PASPGP-5, effective on July 1, 2016, authorizes impacts to stream and wetland encroachments and crossings in Pennsylvania. During this training, attendees will be educated on the requirements within PASPGP-5. Additionally, an update on the proposed wetland and stream assessment protocols that were released for public comment in 2014 and are approaching finalization will be discussed. Lastly, industry experts will present case studies that will demonstrate five methods for pipeline stream crossings and review lessons learned.
To download the training flier, click here.
Adam D. Beck, P.E.
General Manager – Gathering Construction, CONSOL Energy
Colonel Edward P. Chamberlayne
Commander, Baltimore District, USACE
Wade Chandler
Chief, Pennsylvania Section, Baltimore District, USACE
Sid Freyermuth
Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, PA DEP
Dave Goerman Jr.
Water Program Specialist, Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, PA DEP
Ramez Ziadeh, P.E.
Director, Bureau of Waterways Engineering and Wetlands, PA DEP

Other online training programs (CEUs and PDHs) and Resources for Professionals.

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Webinar Identifying Urban and Industrial GHG Sources Using Continuous d13C Observations

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) come from a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources and have a powerful global warming impact.  Understanding the magnitude and distribution of these emissions spatially and temporally is critical to evaluating present and future climate impacts. Stable isotope signatures of methane and carbon dioxide are often employed to investigate the relative importance of various sources (and sinks).

Picarro invites you to a webinar on Identifying Urban and Industrial GHG Sources Using Continuous d13C Observations. This live webinar, featuring Felix Vogel (Researcher, LSCE) and David Kim-Hak (Product Manager, Picarro), will focus on GHG source identification. Felix will share his experiences in monitoring atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations and stable isotopes. David will present information about how Picarro technology has enabled continuous and in-situ measurements of stable isotopes, including providing information on the Picarro G2201-i for best-in-class greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration and isotopic measurements. If you are interested in learning about urban and industrial GHG source identification, this is the webinar for you!

Picarro Live Webinar:
Identifying Urban and Industrial GHG Sources Using Continuous d13C Observations
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Other Training Courses

Sustainability Issues

Watershed Management – Stream Ecology-Wetlands

Fracking- Hydraulic Fracturing

A Question of Colour-My well water is dirty – but why is it purple? Brian Oram investigates

Article published in GeoDrilling International in the December 2015 Issue : A Question of Colour-My well water is dirty – but why is it purple?

“It was a Friday a few years back when we got the call from a farmer who had purple well water. The farmer said everything was fine, until “they” started fracking. He was referring
to a local natural-gas development company working in northeastern Pennsylvania.”

It must be Fracking ! –  read more Visit –

Great Magazine – Read Online

“Article is included in the December issue of GeoDrilling International”.. There’s no direct web link, but you can also access the issue through their free app (”


AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists Training Courses


Training Courses Offered by the AAPG – AAPG Education Program
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists is an international organization with over 38,000 members in 100-plus countries

Fluvial Sedimentology and Geomorphology
John Holbrook, Ph.D. | 14 January 2016 | 2 p.m. CST

This short webinar will focus mainly on “source-to-sink,” and will detail methods used to quantify and qualify the sediment mass transported from the hinterland to the depocenter and the storage sites in route. This segment will train in the “fulcrum” approach for quantitatively approximating the sediment budget for ancient source-to-sink systems.

Ambient Seismic Imaging Throughout the Life Cycles of Unconventional Fields
Alfred Lacazette
| 21 January | 2 p.m. CDT

This e-symposium provides an overview of a new ambient seismic imaging method and applications of the method throughout the lifecycles (exploration through refracing) of unconventional oil and/or gas fields. These applications include: direct imaging of hydraulic fractures, hydraulically stimulated natural fractures, stimulated reservoir volumes, and producing volumes; stress mapping in three dimensions before, during and after fracing; and Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) frac and reservoir simulation.

Petroleum Geology Fundamentals
Susan Nash
| 1st of Each Month | 2 p.m. CDT

This course provides an overview of petroleum geology, from exploration to development. It provides foundational information required to work in the current industry environment, with content that ranges from a historical overview to methods of exploration, new technologies, subsurface geology, petroleum generation, reservoirs, traps, seals, petroleum systems, unconventional reservoirs, shale plays, geophysics, geochemistry, and more.

Courses are typically excellent – but can exceed most budgets.  For other training courses that are for basic continuing education – you may want to visit Training Professionals.

Colorado Snowmastodon Mammoths and Mastodons – Global Warming Glacial Interglacial

“While expanding a reservoir in Snowmass Village, Colorado, workers stumbled upon a big bone. And then another, and another, and another. Realizing they found something special, the workers called in the experts at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS), who drove several hours to examine the site. Scientists quickly realized that this was no ordinary boneyard. Work on the reservoir halted, as DMNS scientists called in dozens of volunteers and experts from around the country to help excavate the site before construction continued. In a few weeks of excavating, the scientists and volunteers of the Snowmastodon Project uncovered an entire Pleistocene ecosystem, including fossils of giant ground sloths, long-horned bison, North American camels, mammoths, mastodons, insects and ancient plants.

The dig site was as renowned for its geologically unique setting as the community around it is known for skiing. The setting, an ancient alpine lake on top of a terrestrial high-point, meant that it once attracted animals as a watering hole, but was able to evade the destructive processes associated with glaciations. Learn more about what the site is showing scientists about past glacial and interglacial periods and what the site might suggest for the future, and explore the thousands of bones found at this unique site in the January 2016 EARTH Magazine cover story:

Alongside exclusive features like the Snowmastodon Project, EARTH Magazine continues to bring you unique and groundbreaking stories, such as new research that suggests intentionally burned floors in African huts can record Earth’s magnetic field, ongoing research that suggests the Midcontinent Rift may be a hybrid rift-large igneous province, and breaking news indicating that treated water from Southern California is so pure that other, more ominous elements are leaching into it from strata surrounding the aquifer. Don’t miss our feature on the great debate about whether mantle plumes exist. All this and more is available at”

Education Corner
More on Climate, Geology, Etc

Earth Dynamics: Geologic Time
Plate Tectonics – We are floating on magma.
Global Warming

Valley View Holds First High School Energy Fair Archbald Pennsylvania

Northeastern Pennsylvania gas companies went to Valley View High School in Lackawanna County to sponsor an energy fair introducing youth to energy careers.

The growth and dedication that has been displayed between the natural gas industry and educational institutions over the years has been staggering. While much of that relationship has been amongst local area colleges, high schools have been becoming closely involved too, as evidenced by the Energy Education Program offered at Valley View High School in Archbald.”

As this blog has noted before, the Energy Education Program offered by Valley View is the first of its kind in the state, as it brings energy-specific curriculum to the high school level and was developed as a collaboration between industry experts and school officials. The course covers nine different types of energy and regularly features speakers from the various industries.

But on Friday, Dec. 18, Valley View took the next big step in its program and hosted its first Energy Fair, which was planned and organized by the Energy Education Program class.

Read More about the Event and Program

We were planning to go to the event, but the presenter became ill.  Prior to the event, we did conduct training and educational course on energy conservation and Geothermal Energy.

Presentation on Sustainability Training (pdf)
Our Presentation on Careers in Energy – The Great Earth Engine (pdf)

More training Opportunities in Energy and the Environment

 How you can help the Water Science Basics ! Trying to encourage a positive change in Pennsylvania.

2016 PAEP Scholarship application materials $ 1000 scholarship

The 2016 PAEP Scholarship application materials are now available on our website (  Please forward this email or the attached flyer to any students or others in academia to help us spread the word!  We are again offering one $1,000 scholarship to a college freshman or sophomore and one $1,000 scholarship to a college junior, senior, or graduate student pursuing a degree in environmental science (or related major).  Both scholarships additionally include free attendance and stay at the 2016 PAEP Annual Conference at Toftrees Resort in State College, PA on May 11-13, 2016.

Complete instructions and applications are available on the website.  Please note that dependents of PAEP members and student PAEP members receive bonus points in their application evaluation!  If anyone has any questions or requires further information, please contact the PAEP Student and Scholarship Co-Chairs, Kristin Aiosa ( and Mike Kenawell (

Thanks to our 2016 Student & Scholarship Committee (Virginia Bailey, Jessica Brzyski Wetzel, Michelle Goddard, JT Graupensperger, Jason Minnich, and Cami Otto).

Susquehanna River Basin Commission Study Finds No Impacts on Streams from Marcellus Shale Drilling

SRBC Study Finds No Impacts on Streams from Marcellus Shale Drilling

From 2010 to 2013 the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) monitored 58 sampling stations in small headwater streams in the Susquehanna River Basin to investigate potential impacts from gas exploration in the Marcellus Shale.  The study recorded pH, temperature, conductivity, inorganic chemistry, TOC, gross alpha and beta radiation, and macroinvertebrates.  The SRBC report, released earlier this year, concluded no discernible relationship between water quality and well pad density.  Please click HERE to download an electronic copy of the report.

New Tools and Courses

Know Your H20Keystone Clean Water Team
Citizen Scientists – The Online Water Quality Index Calculator is Available.
Training Courses on Natural Gas Development and Environmental Concerns
Stream Restoration, Wetlands, and Water Resources Management 


  1. If you have any testing done as part of this action, please consider releasing this data to the Citizen Groundwater and Surface Water Database.  Fill out the attached form and mail the data to the following address:
    Mr. Brian Oram, PG
    Keystone Clean Water Team
    15 Hillcrest Drive
    Dallas, PA 18612
    Please note- if you have baseline testing done already you may have some information on the level of surfactants in the water if you had a MBAS test done.
  2. Informational Screening Testing – Get your water screened for water contamination including isopropanol – Informational Screening Water Kit (Not Certified) Covers about 200 parameters, plus a review of any predrilling data – Only $ 275.00.  Email
  3. Drinking Water Guide for Pennsylvania.

The Pennsylvania Association Environmental Professional needs “You” to serve as a member of the Board of Directors

The PAEP needs “You” to serve as a member of the Board of Directors

Have you decided that it is time for you to make a formal commitment to being an Environmental Professional? Would you like to make major contributions to help meet the needs of both public and private sector projects? Would you like to take on a leadership role in the states most active Professional Association for Environmental Professionals? If so, it’s time for you to join the PAEP Board of Directors.

PAEP is a voluntary association headed by a Board of Directors. The Board is composed of

9 elected members from the environmental field. All serve a three year term of office without compensation. In September of each year the process of electing 3 Board Members begins. Board Members are expected to attend: monthly conference calls, local Section Events and the Annual Meeting/Conference.

The Board establishes policy for the PAEP and the Managing Director assists the Board in implementing all of the programs and practices of the Association. The Managing Director, as well as the Conference Coordinator are responsible to the Board.

The Board also meets in January for an Annual Planning Retreat where the Association Officers are elected and installed. As a voluntary association, there is no reimbursement for meeting, travel expenses or the other costs associated with being on the Board of Directors.

Between Board meetings, the Board of Directors is represented by the four Association Officers. The Association Officers meet at the discretion of the PAEP President, as necessary.

This is a transition year for the Board of Directors and in the fall we will be electing 7 Board Members to various terms of office: 3 three-year terms, 3 two-year terms and 1 one-year term. So if you are interested in becoming a member of the PAEP Board this is a great opportunity for you.

If you would like to become a Member of the Board (or retain your current position on the Board) please complete the attached PAEP Board Self Nomination Form 2015 and return it to our Elections Committee by 6:00 PM on Friday October 16, 2015. Forms completed after that date and time may be considered, at the discretion of the Elections Committee. Please Email Form to us at Make that commitment today!

In addition to the Board of Directors, we are always looking for help to plan and run Section Events or for help on committees, such as our Conference and Scholarship Committees. Please let us know how else you would like to participate in the Association.

B.F. Environmental Partners with Keystone Clean Water Team to Share Environmental Data

WILKES-BARRE, PA—September 25, 2015—B.F. Environmental Consultants, an environmental consulting firm providing a range of services throughout the Northeast, announced today that it will begin making detailed environmental risk reports available to consumers through its partnership with Keystone Clean Water Team, a Pennsylvania-based non-profit. The new program has been launched.  The program provides detailed information regarding existing and historic environmental hazards in communities across the country.

“A great deal of environmental risk data is available today but little if any of it is being made available to consumers,” said Brian Oram, a professional geologist and soil scientist and founder of B.F. Environmental Consultants. “By working with the Keystone Clean Water Team, we’re able to share this information with homeowners so that they will know what dangers are lurking in their neighborhoods and have some idea about what they can do about them.”

As part of the program, B.F. Environmental works with a national environmental database search company to identify possible sources of environmental contamination and then augments that data with information from its proprietary information sources, including its Know Your H2O? app and its online Water Research Center. The reports available to consumers provide a snapshot of the current and historic environmental concerns and hazards that might impact a property as well as a review of select criminal activity.

“The combination of the mobile app, customized reports, research reports, and water testing services will help citizens identify the environmental hazards present in their communities and help them address concerns they have about their city water, well water, or local stream water quality,” Oram said. “We are very proud to link these programs to help identify the little known hazards that affect consumers, identify the possible causes for water quality issues and provide assistance in diagnosing problems.”  “If you act quickly you can request a free report- We are offering 500+ free reports – Learn More Here“.

About B.F. Environmental Consultants, Inc.

B.F. Environmental Consultants, based in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Poconos, has been providing professional geological, soils, hydrogeological, and environmental consulting services since 1985. The company specializes in the following areas: hydrogeological and wastewater evaluations for siting land-based wastewater disposal systems; soils consulting (soil scientists), environmental monitoring, overseeing the siting, exploration, and development of community/ commercial water supply sources; environmental training/ professional training courses, and other environmental services. For more information about B.F. Environmental Consultants, visit and

Get Your Community Hazard Report
Download the Free Phone Apps
Know Your H20?  Drinking Water Diagnostic
Baseline Water Testing App – Pennsylvania