New Lead-Free Requirement Lead in Drinking Water Act

New lead-free requirement

With the federal lead-content law taking effect on January 4, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is offering an informational handout to help companies whose products are certified as lead-free explain new certification marks.

There is no mandatory federal requirement for product testing or third-party certification under the Safe Drinking Water Act, but some entities may require certification.

Consumers may choose to increase their level of confidence by purchasing products with a mark indicating products have been certified by an accredited third-party certification body as meeting the new lead-free requirement.

Products that have not been certified may still meet the new lead-free requirement. If you are unable to determine if a product is lead-free, contacting the manufacturer is the best way to confirm the lead content.

Although other states have laws pertaining to the lead content in products, California is currently the only state that has a bill (SB 1334) requiring certification, according to the EPA. However, there may be local laws or entities in other states that require it.

Becoming fully effective in the beginning of 2014, the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act defines “lead-free” as not containing more than 0.2% lead when used with solder and flux. Products also must not exceed a weighted average of 0.25% lead when used with the wetted surfaces of pipes and pipe and plumbing fittings and fixtures. The new EPA handout also contains a helpful diagram for determining which products must meet the new lead-free requirement.

Original Content of

Other corrosion related problems with water – metallic taste, lead, copper, zinc


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).

Private Well Owner – Elevated Levels of Aluminum in Drinking Water

We recently worked with a homeowner in Pennsylvania that was having some health related issues.  These issues appeared to be related to elevated levels of aluminum that were detected in the hair and blood.  We were asked to conduct a more detailed assessment.  Here are findings.

Ten Samples Collected

Sample 1- 2.99 mg/L(aluminum) – first flush hot water UT (untreated) Bathroom – suggests that this is leaching of aluminum from the water line or maybe the anode in tank

Sample 2 0.63 mg/L – hot water UT bathroom after flushing

Sample 3 < 0.05 mg/L cold water UT bathroom after flushing

Sample 4 < 0.05 mg/L bathroom shower  (UT)

Sample 5 < 0.05 mg/L cold water treated (T) and flushed – treatment carbon filter

Sample 6 1.0 mg/L hot water flushed the line (UT).

Sample 7 < 0.05 mg/L cold water refrigerator (Treated- carbon filter)

Sample 8 < 0.05 mg/L pyrex cup- put cold treated water in the cup

Sample 9 0.17 mg/L Kettle water boiled- put cold treated water in the cup

Sample 10 < 0.05 mg/L outside spigot- Untreated


1. Problem is not the source
2. Problem appears to be related to corrosion or leaching from the hot water system or piping.
3. Additional aluminum source may be the kettle.

It is clear the problem is tied to the hot water system either the heater itself or it may have an aluminum anode or leaching out of the piping.  Flushing the lines does help significantly – but does not solve the problem with the hot water – Do NOT use the hot water for any cooking and only use treated water for cooking after the line has been flushed..

 Another hot spot was the kettle –  you may want to make tea another way – Pyrex cup was ok.

Point of the story

1. Sometimes – multiple water samples are needed to get the full picture.
2.  Cookware may be part of the problem.
3. We have also seen this problem when a well has elevated levels of bacteria, such as slime, iron, and sulfur, or an elevated level of methane

Original Content of

Other corrosion related problems with water – metallic taste, lead, copper, zinc


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.  (Well Water / City Drinking Water Testing)

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).

Penn State Extension and Penn State Natural Gas Industry

Penn State Extension  and Penn State will be holding or taking part in the following programs in the upcoming events.  Please check out Events and Webinar webpage at for additional information.

Two upcoming programs in Warren County will be held November 19 – watch the website for the posting!

October 2013

 Supply Chain Basics

When: October 10, 2013, 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Where: Titusville, PA

Business Development Opportunities Within the Natural Gas Industry (see attached flyer)

Shale Mineral Management for the Landowner

When: October 16, 2013, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Where: Wellsboro, PA

This workshop is a must for landowners who are receiving royalty payments or are involved in an active unit and want to have a better understanding of the how their royalty payments are calculated and factors considered in the determination of payment.

Pennsylvania Natural Gas Pipeline Roundup

When: October 17, 2013, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Dave Messersmith, Penn State Extension Educator, Marcellus Education Team

November 2013

 Shale Gas Drilling & Development – How Does it Work and What Can We Expect in Warren County?

When:  November 19, 2013  1:00 to 3:00 PM

Where:  Warren Public Library, 205 Market St., Warren PA  16365

Join Dan Brockett and Jon Laughner, Penn State Marcellus Education Team Educators, who will provide current information on shale development.  (watch the Events page of the website for additional information!)

Landowner Considerations with Shale Gas Development – Leasing, Pipeline, Seismic Surveys, and Land Impacts

When:  November 19, 2013  6:00 to 7:30 PM

Where:  Warren Public Library, 205 Market St., Warren PA  16365

Join Dan Brockett and Jon Laughner, Penn State Marcellus Education Team Educators, who will provide current information on shale development.  (watch the Events page of the website for additional information!)

Water Webinar – New Tools for Teaching Youth About Water: “Watershed Decisions” activity and the “Role of Water in Shale Gas Drilling” videos

When: November 20, 2013, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


The November Water Webinar will be held in the third week of November and the topic will be “New Tools for Teaching Youth About Water: “Watershed Decisions” activity and the “Role of Water in Shale Gas Drilling” videos” by Jennifer Fetter, Penn State Extension.

Bradford County Community of Planning: Resources for the Community

When: November 21, 2013, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Ray Stolinas, Planning Director, Bradford County Office of Community Planning and Grants

December 2013

 Drilling and Pipeline Cuttings Reclamation

When: December 19, 2013, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Averill Rance, Vice President, EH& S, and Daniel Mueller, General Manager, Drilling Services, Clean Earth

Learn More and Get the Water Tested


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).


Arsenic in Drinking Water and Private Wells

What is arsenic?

Arsenic is a semi-metal, a member of the nitrogen family. It occurs naturally in the earth and in the seas. It is odorless and tasteless. Arsenic is an element (As) that occurs in the earth’s crust-rock, soil, all natural sources of exposure, or can be traced to deep water brines used to produce oil and natural gas.    Consumption of food and water are the major sources of arsenic exposure for the majority of US citizens.  People may also be exposed from industrial sources, as arsenic is used in semiconductor manufacturing, petroleum refining, wood preservatives, animal feed additives, and herbicides.

Arsenic can combine with other elements to form inorganic and organic arsenicals. In general, inorganic derivatives are regarded as more toxic than the organic forms. While food contains both inorganic and organic arsenicals, primarily inorganic forms are present in water. Exposure to arsenic at high levels poses serious health effects as it is a known human carcinogen. In addition, it has been reported to affect the vascular system in humans and has been associated with the development of diabetes.

As compared to the Western part of the United States,  it is relatively rare  contaminant in Pennsylvania groundwater supplies.  A recent survey by the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) found that arsenic exceeded 5 ppb in 8% of wells in Pennsylvania.  Recent work in Northeastern Pennsylvania – Indicates that it that the occurrence may be slightly higher.

What are the symptoms of arsenic poisoning?

Observable symptoms of arsenic poisoning are: thickening and discoloration of the skin, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, numbness in hands and feet, partial paralysis, and blindness.

How does arsenic enter my private water system?

It is widely thought that naturally occurring arsenic dissolves out of certain rock formations when ground water levels drop significantly. Surface arsenic-related pollutants enter the ground water system by gradually moving with the flow of ground water from rains, melting of snow, etc. Either way, ongoing testing for arsenic is an important strategy by the private water system owner to safeguard the health and well being of their family.

Is my private well at risk?

Like many contaminants in drinking water, the element is potentially hazardous at levels or concentrations that do not impart a noticeable taste, odor, or appearance to the water.  Your best course of action is to get you water tested and compile as much information as possible about your water supply source, well construction, surrounding land-use, and local geology. If you do have an arsenic problem, there are water treatment technologies available now that can reduce or even remove arsenic from your drinking water.  Note: Do not just test your water for Arsenic because there may be other primary and secondary drinking water standards that are elevated or that may interfere with the proposed remediation system.

Learn More and Get the Water Tested


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).

Carbon County Groundwater Guardian Master Well Owner Network Volunteers Training

The Carbon County Groundwater Guardians has been along standing supporter and trainer as part of the Master Well Owner Network.    Our group conducts local face to face training sessions through Pennsylvania.   Listing of some of our past Outreach Events.  Since 1999, this organization and its partners have provide direct and indirect assistance to over 1.2 million private well owners worldwide.   We stared a Private Well Owner Education Program and Water Testing Program in 2000.  Please consider support our efforts.

New Announcement – 9/30/2013 – MWON Free Webinar.

We wanted to announce, that the PSU is offer a free online training program.

If you are interested in learning more about the proper management of private water wells, springs and cisterns and you are willing to share what you learn with others, you might be interested in applying for the Master Well Owner online course being offered by Penn State Extension starting on September 30, 2013!

The Penn State Master Well Owner Network will provide free, online training for the first 25 volunteers who submit an application and are accepted into the program.  To be eligible for this program you must

1) NOT be employed by any company that provides paid services to private water supply owners (i.e. water testing companies, water treatment companies, water well drillers, etc.) and

2) you must be willing to pass along basic private water system management knowledge to other private water system owners.

The registration deadline for this course is September 20.  Each accepted volunteer will receive seven weekly emails with links to short reading assignments and video presentations on private water system basics, water testing, water supply protection, water treatment, water conservation, and how to educate others.  Course registrants can complete the course at their own pace from September 30 to November 11.   A computer with a high speed internet connection is recommended to view all of the course materials and videos.

Volunteers who successfully complete the training course and pass a short exam will receive a free copy of the 80 page publication – A Guide to Private Water Systems in Pennsylvania, a coupon good for a 10% discount on water testing through the Penn State water testing lab, and access to various MWON educational materials.  In return, MWON volunteers are asked to pass along what they have learned to other private water supply owners and submit an annual report of their educational accomplishments.

Note From Carbon County Groundwater Guardians –  Consider coming back and helping our efforts – Looking for Volunteers Statewide. 

For your information, we wanted to point out a few other resources

1. Mail Order Water Testing Kits or consider using a local water testing laboratory.  The mail order testing is done by a Nationally Certified Laboratory and a portion of the proceeds that help support this organization.
2. New Education Guide for Private Well Owners in PA – What do the numbers mean and Insights into Baseline Water Testing? (Proceeds Benefit this Organization- free online read only version)
3. Our Online FREE Library of Pdf, videos, powerpoint presenations for private well owners.
4. Our New Flier
5. Stop by at the PA Energy Games and Say Hello – September 7, 2013

More Free Webinars

Webinars Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water by the Environmental Protection Agency

CLU-IN’s ongoing series of Internet Seminars are free, web-based slide presentations with a companion audio portion. We provide two options for accessing the audio portion of the seminar: by phone line or streaming audio simulcast.   Past summaries and presentations are also available.  To register for any Webinar.

Case Studies to Assess Potential Impacts of Hydraulic  Fracturing on Drinking Water Resources

On July 30, 2013, EPA hosted a Hydraulic Fracturing Study Technical Workshop on Case Studies to Assess Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water Resources. This one-hour webinar will provide a summary of the workshop and cover workshop themes.

Sep 12, 2013
11:00AM-12:00PM EDT
15:00-16:00 GMT

Hazard System Labeling System – 6 Modules
The Hazard Ranking System (HRS) webinar series is an intermediate-level course designed for personnel who are required to compile, draft and review preliminary assessments (PA), site inspections (SI), and HRS documentation records/packages submitted for proposal to the National Priorities List (NPL). The course is intended for EPA Regional, state, tribal and contractor personnel, who support EPA in the Superfund site assessment/NPL listing process.

This course assumes a basic understanding of the HRS and its context within the site assessment process. The training course is intended to enable staff to prepare HRS packages for the NPL and to plan PAs and SIs to address future HRS scoring issues. This training course provides details of the structure and application of the revised HRS and information related to the preparation of HRS packages, including HRS scoresheets, documentation records and site summaries. The course will incorporate an interactive case study to provide practical application of the HRS.

The webinar series consists of six two-hour sessions over three weeks. In order to receive credit for taking the course, participants must participate in each session. If you are unable to make one of the sessions, archived versions will be made available at that you can take to receive credit for the missed live session. In order to receive credit for a missed session, you must complete the missed session within 2 months of the originally scheduled date and submit an evaluation form from that archived module.

This introductory module will provide an overview of the regulatory context of the HRS, the site assessment process and the HRS structure. It will also include a presentation of documentation requirements under the HRS and a discussion of preparing HRS packages.

Oct 15, 2013
1:00PM-3:00PM EDT
17:00-19:00 GMT

CEC Training for OSCs…Pipeline Emergencies

Approximately 327,000 miles of natural gas transmission pipelines, 1.8 million miles of natural gas distribution pipelines and 161,000 miles of liquid pipelines safely transport natural gas and a range of liquid petroleum products daily. Like any industry that deals with hazardous materials, there are potential risks in the manufacturing and transportation processes. Pipeline Emergencies is a 3-hour webinar training course that provides practical information on how to respond safely and effectively to pipeline incidents and emergencies.

The purpose of the course is to provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of the EPA’s regulatory authority regarding pipeline emergency planning and response operations, how pipelines operate, the common products that may be transported through both transmission and distribution pipeline systems, the various roles and responsibilities among emergency responders and government and industry when responding to an incident and pipeline emergency response operations.

The target audience for this webinar course is new and mid-career On-Scene Coordinators (OSC) with an interest in learning about pipeline emergencies. This webinar does not address tactics and field methodology as that information is better suited for face-to-face or field demonstration training.

Oct 2, 2013
1:00PM-4:00PM EDT
17:00-20:00 GMT


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).

Hydraulic Fracturing

Free Webinars on Groundwater Education and Related Topics

The Carbon County Groundwater Guardians are providing links to some of the best FREE Webinars on Groundwater Management, Sustainability, Water Well Education and Much More.


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).

National Protect Your Groundwater Day

Penn State Extension and MWON Promote National Protect Your Groundwater Day—September 10, 2013

protect_dayPenn State Extension and the Master Well Owner Network are excited to announce a variety of educational efforts in recognition of the National Ground Water Association’s Protect Your Groundwater Day on September 10, 2013.

A live webinar will be broadcast from 12:00 to 1:00 PM entitled Strategies to Protect Private Wells and Springs in Pennsylvania to highlight basic management strategies that homeowners can use to protect their drinking water. The webinar will also highlight numerous Penn State publications and web tools that are available to private water well and spring owners. The live webinar can be viewed at

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During the evening of September 10, Penn State water resources educators will present a Safe Drinking Water Clinic in Ebensburg, PA for water well and spring owners. This will be the first in a series of Safe Drinking Water Clinics which will be offered around the state in the next 12 months.

 More information about this online course can be found at:

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The Penn State Extension Water Resources team along with Master Well Owners provide education and assistance for thousands of private water well and spring owners across Pennsylvania each year. Tune in on September 10 to learn more about our resources and how to protect your groundwater!

To learn more about the National Ground Water Association and Protect Your Groundwater Day, visit their website at:

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To celebrate National Protect Groundwater Day – The Carbon County Groundwater Guardians will be participating in the PA Energy Games in Hughesville, PA on September 7, 2013. We will have information on private wells, groundwater, alternative energy, conservation and Biomass.  Stop by and Say Hello !

Support the Local Groundwater Education – Get Your Water Tested !

For information about Carbon County’s Groundwater Guardian activities, contact the  Us.


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).

Carbon County has been named a 2012 Groundwater Guardian Community

This is the 13th year the local county has received achievement

Carbon County has been named a 2012 Groundwater Guardian Community by The Groundwater Foundation of Lincoln, Neb. in recognition of its efforts to protect local groundwater supplies.

Groundwater Guardian is a program of The Groundwater Foundation which encourages and recognizes local groundwater protection and education activities. Groundwater Guardians form teams of local stakeholders that implement activities to address local groundwater concerns and issues.

Carbon County has been designated as a Groundwater Guardian for 13 years.

“I’m so proud to recognize Carbon County as a 2012 Groundwater Guardian,” says Groundwater Guardian director Jennifer Wenhoff. “Groundwater Guardians like Carbon County are taking steps to educate people and protect the precious resource of groundwater in their communities, and we are thrilled to honor their achievements.”

During 2012, Carbon County implemented a variety of activities. The team:

Ÿ Continued to update and expand a website featuring local groundwater information and online resources. This team also maintains a Facebook page to further educate the community.

Ÿ Provided a homeowner’s well water testing program. Private well owners fill out a short questionnaire about their well, and recommendations are made as to what testing should be performed, eliminating unnecessary tests.

Ÿ Collected and post precipitation data on the team’s website from eight active monitoring stations in the county. The data is shared with a variety of agencies and organizations as part of various collaborative volunteer networks.

Groundwater Foundation President Jane Griffin stated, “Our Groundwater Guardians embody The Groundwater Foundation’s mission to educate people and inspire action to ensure sustainable, clean groundwater for future generations. We’re so grateful for their commitment to groundwater protection.”

The Groundwater Foundation is a nonprofit organization that began in 1985. Since then, the foundation’s programs, projects, and resources that have educated youth and adults about the importance of groundwater and ways they can protect it.

For information about Carbon County’s Groundwater Guardian activities, contact the  Us.


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).

Community Outreach and Education Events for 2013

Outreach Events in 2013

Work in 2013  done under the Supervision of the Carbon County Groundwater Guardians

 Project 1:

Friends of Salt Springs State Park – Susquehanna County Event

Brian Oram, of the Carbon County Groundwater Guardians and a professional geologist with B.F. Environmental Consultants Inc. will conduct a private or community based education and awareness programs on water quality. The organization will hold a “fact based presentation” that reviews real concerns and issues in our communities today and non-point and point sources of contamination that is supported by the Pocono Northeast Resource Conservation and Development Council and the C-SAW Program.  Some hands-on “quick” water testing will be done capturing pH, ionic salt measurements, (conductivity) and total dissolved solids (TDS) on the tap water, and 2 streams at Salt Springs State Park.  There has already been multiple email and telephone discussions and an initial review of the available water quality data.

 This will be the equivalent of a 1 day training event related to private wells, non-point pollution sources, groundwater and surfacewater interaction, water testing, some Marcellus Shale Issues.  The training will target education, mentoring, and teaching local citizens how to screen water quality in groundwater and surfacewater.  The training will be fact based cover surfacewater and groundwater issues, non-point source pollution, point source pollution, and will be used to aid in the local and regional water quality and environmental monitoring and conservancy efforts.  The event will be held at the Salt Springs State Park.  The presentation used in this workshop will be converted to a pdf file and posted on the Carbon County Groundwater Guardians Website, and Slideshare.  The full cost of developing the presentation is not included in the cost for this project.

Minimum Estimated In-kind – $ 1900.00

Project 2:

Hidden Lake Association 

This assistance is related to mentoring and general assistance with the organizations educational outreach, watershed monitoring efforts, and educating the community.   The organization needs a refresher in the use of their monitoring equipment, compiling data in a spreadsheet format, selecting reagents, and reviewing sampling techniques. The consultants will also include a review of recent groundwater testing conducted by the organization. There has already been 1 planning meeting with the organization and multiple email and telephone discussions.

Estimated In-kind – $ 660.00

Project 3:

Luzerne County Conservation District- Free Education Event

An educational program on Groundwater Resources and Protecting/Monitoring Private Wells for Residents in Luzerne County, the event will be help on a Saturday in July 27, 2013.   The private well owners will also screen their well water samples for pH, conductivity, nitrate, alkalinity, hardness, nitrite, and iron.    The presentation will include a summary of the data within the Citizens Groundwater and Surfacewater Database, plus showing citizens how to monitor the quality of the groundwater and surfacewater using visual clues and low cost monitoring instruments.

Estimated In-kind – $ 2400.00

Project 4: 

Riverfest – Public Education Event

June 21- 23, 2013 – Education Session is on June 22, 2013 in Wilkes Barre – they are requesting an interactive family activity.  I am waiting on their application. To attend Riverfest as a representative of the C-SAW Program –this will require the following allocation and items.  The event is requesting interactive activities for the families and children.  This will including promoting the C-SAW Program, leading interactive activities related to water quality monitoring, microscopic evaluations of insects, and groundwater/surfacewater interactions.   The Council will provide the necessary materials for this event as it relates to the C-SAW program.  This does not include the cost of reproducing educational materials.

Estimated In-kind – $ 500.00

Project 5:

Lake Ariel

The homeowners association is requesting assistance with aiding in the review of their water quality monitoring efforts, conducting groundwater monitoring, and training and informing the local stakeholders.  The focus of this effort will to conduct an education outreach effort for the association, aid in developing a groundwater monitoring program, education on non-point source and point source pollution control, and the interactions between surfacewater and groundwater.  The areas of key discussion will include septic systems, private wells, fertilizers, and other non-point sources of pollution. There has already been 1 planning meeting with the organization and multiple email and telephone discussions.  After the planning meeting, we assisted with baseline sampling and then conducted a community meeting with over 50+ private well owners attending.

Estimated In-kind – $ 2500.00

The projects will be billed by the Carbon County Groundwater Guardians at 501 C3.  This work is part of the educational outreach efforts for this organization.


We seek new people at all skill levels for a variety of programs. One thing that everyone can do is attend meetings to share ideas on improving CCGG, enabling us to better understand and address the concerns of well owners.

Everything we do began with an idea.

We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot.

For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us.

Carbon County Groundwater Guardians is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law..  Unsolicited donations are appreciated.

Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization).