Farming In Fear- Martha Boneta story a Virginia farmer
“Earlier this week, I attended an event in Michigan that included a screening of a brand-new documentary called Farming In Fear. The film, just 28 minutes long, tells the story of Martha Boneta, who bought a small farm in Virginia and tried to make a go of it by selling produce and so on. She was viciously harassed by a variety of government agencies and environmental groups who evidently intended to drive her out of business.
It appears to be a classic example of the abuse of regulatory power to promote private interests and ideological agendas. Ms. Boneta’s farm home was subjected to repeated and apparently purposeless inspections of closets, bathrooms and so on. At one point, she was cited for holding an “event” without obtaining thousands of dollars worth of licenses and permits. The “event” was a birthday party for a friend’s daughter.
The story ends happily, as Boneta’s case became notorious and Virginia’s legislature eventually passed legislation that brought the harassment to a stop. Both Ms. Boneta and the filmmaker attended the screening and answered questions; she was very impressive. The film is produced by the Charles Koch Institute.”
The link to the embedded video
Comments and Thoughts
- there needs to be balance in all things. This includes a balance between economy and environment, private property and public good, and community interest over individual interest.
- it should always be about balance, current laws and freedoms, and facts – Not Fear.
- do we need a National Organization that protects landowners ??
- are we over regulating? “Should we not want more small family farmers and farms?”
Online Training Courses
Stream Restoration – Course 1 of 6.
Wetland Science Course
Stormwater Harvesting
Regenerative Landscape Design
Natural Approach to Stormwater Management
JKLM ENERGY, LLC Surfactant Release Potter County Chemical Spill
Initial Press Release (Partial) – Chemical Spill – Potter County, PA (Please like and share with others)
“JKLM ENERGY, LLC INITIATES RESPONSE TO RELEASE OF SURFACTANT AT REESE HOLLOW DRILLING LOCATION IN SWEDEN TOWNSHIP, POTTER COUNTY WEXFORD, Pa (Sept.24) – JKLM Energy, LLC (JKLM) today released information on the company’s ongoing efforts to respond to an incident in which a surfactant solution used in the drilling and completion of natural gas wells is believed to have migrated into shallow subsurface and ground water during initial drilling activities at the Reese Hollow 118 Pad located off Burrows Road in Sweden Township, Potter County, Pa. Surfactants are also referred to as “foaming agents” or “soap.” The migration was discovered following the use of the surfactant to free a broken drill bit piece in the well at 570 feet below ground on September 18th.“
“Local residents with questions may contact Dean Boorum, JKLM’s community liaison, at (814) 598-3960. The company is also establishing a website ( to provide regular updates as the groundwater investigation and response process continues.”
Link to Information Portal
Link to Press Release –
“JKLM ENERGY, LLC TO PROVIDE DAILY UPDATES TO COMMUNITY ON PROJECT WEBSITE No Isopropanol Present in Five of Six Initial Well Water Samples Closest to Drilling Location WEXFORD, Pa (Sept.25) – JKLM Energy, LLC today announced plans to issue daily updates to the public regarding the release of drilling chemicals at its Sweden Township, Potter County wellpad. These updates, along with previous press releases and related information will be available at, beginning at 4:00 PM today. As of September 24, 2015 JKLM Energy, LLC received lab results from six water sources that had potential groundwater contamination. These results included four of the five private water wells with foamy characteristics for the presence of isopropanol, the chemical of principal concern in the incident, which was not detected in those four wells. The material was also not detected in a sample collected from a spring located in the area of the investigation. The private well with foam closest to the drill site contained 15 ppm (parts per million) isopropanol, which is at the Act 2 standard for aquifers serving residential uses, the threshold for state drinking water standards. These sampling results are consistent with the belief that the aquifer would continue to disperse and degrade the isopropanol as it is transported through the aquifer by means of normal water flow.”
Local Bradford County News Report
Another News Report
Another Report
Total number of water samples (water wells, springs and surface water sources) analyzed to date (93), and those found with the presence of methylene blue activated substances (MBAS), isopropanol (IPA) and acetone, a constituent that is expected to be found as isopropanol breaks down in the environment. In a correction from yesterday’s update, a total of five samples have been returned with levels of MBAS above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s non-health secondary standard of 0.5 parts per million (ppm). 5 samples above MBAS standard and 1 above isopropanol standard.
Learn More about Foaming Agents in Well Water
Video –Potter County’s water sources contaminated (9/25/2015) – Must Watch – Solid Information. (53 gallons of chemical used – final concentration or 0.25 % or 2500 mg/L after initial dilution). (Clarity requested- did it say it moved 8000 feet in 1 day?)
dep-notice-of-violation-jklm-energy (9/30/2015)
Our Comments
Testing Should include general water quality, MBAS, isopropanol, and acetone. When isopropanol breaks down in the environment, this is a possible daughter. This would suggest running a full VOC can with TICs to pick up daughters. Therefore, the equivalent of a Tier II may be advisable. The breakdown of isopropanol to acetone was based on feedback and expert information from B.F. Environmental Consultants and Quantum Laboratories.
Drinking Water Standard for foaming agents or MBAS – methyl blue activated substances or surfactants is 0.5 mg/L – potential aesthetic problems.
“Methylene blue active substances (MBAS) are anionic surfactants that can be detected by colorometric or color reaction methods. An MBAS assay is a type of analysis that makes use of a substance called methylene blue in order to detect the existence of foaming agents, detergents as well as other anionic substances in water under testing. With the MBAS assay method, undesirable components in water samples can be detected appropriately. This prevents water corrosion or contamination.”
Acetone – Drinking Water Standard – No formal Standard, but there is a clean up standard of 33 mg/L, but New Jersey has a standard of 6 mg/L. (Also Acetone can be naturally occurring). If evaluating acetone, it would be advisable to collect preserved and unpreserved samples and analyze samples as soon as possible. In some cases, the preservation method may create some acetone.
Another MSDS Sheet (another source)
More MSDS Sheets – F-485 and Rock Drill Oil 150 (We could not determine the specific one so we are using the “Gulf” as an example)
National Drinking Water Database – Forming Agents
Recommended Baseline Testing – Get The App (FREE)
Informational Course On Fracking and other Energy Courses – The Process
- If you have any testing done as part of this action, please consider releasing this data to the Citizen Groundwater and Surface Water Database. Fill out the attached form and mail the data to the following address:
Mr. Brian Oram, PG
Keystone Clean Water Team
15 Hillcrest Drive
Dallas, PA 18612
Please note- if you have baseline testing done already you may have some information on the level of surfactants in the water if you had a MBAS test done. - Informational Screening Testing – Get your water screened for water contamination including isopropanol – Informational Screening Water Kit (Not Certified) Covers about 200 parameters, plus a review of any predrilling data – Only $ 275.00. Email
- Drinking Water Guide for Pennsylvania.
B.F. Environmental Builds Expertise into New Water Quality Mobile App – Know Your H20?
B.F. Environmental Builds Expertise into New Water Quality Mobile App
Company experts have developed a new tool that will help families stay healthy
WILKES-BARRE, PA—September 22, 2015—B.F. Environmental Consultants, an environmental consulting firm providing a range of services throughout the Northeast, announced today the launch of a new mobile app that will make it possible for homeowners to get answers about the quality of their drinking water. Brian Oram, a professional geologist and soil scientist and founder of B.F. Environmental Consultants, developed this new diagnostic tool, called “Know Your H2O?”
“Consumers have fully embraced mobile technologies. If we want to help them, we’re going to have to make our information available to them through their IOS and Android devices,” Oram said. “This new app will put actionable information about water quality into the hands of homeowners all across the country. I’m very proud of this new product.”
Know Your H2O? relies heavily upon the massive online water quality resource the company has made available through the launch of its Water Research Center website. The first version of the software helps consumers diagnose potential water quality problems by exploring aesthetic problems, physical problems, health concerns, or specific problems in their homes. The app is supported by additional content that is directly linked to the Water Research Center.
“This tool helps consumers diagnose problems, but then goes beyond that to provide recommendations for further testing or corrective action,” Oram said. “The app is based on a holistic approach and is guided by concerns about our water, homes, and health. It is a comprehensive tool that can be used by any homeowner, building inspector, water quality professional, or water treatment professional to diagnose a problem and determine next steps.”
For more information about the mobile app or to download your own free copy, visit: Drinking Water Diagnostics
About B.F. Environmental Consultants, Inc.
B.F. Environmental Consultants, based in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Poconos, has been providing professional geological, soils, hydrogeological, and environmental consulting services since 1985. The company specializes in the following areas: hydrogeological and wastewater evaluations for siting land-based wastewater disposal systems; soils consulting (soil scientists), environmental monitoring, overseeing the siting, exploration, and development of community/ commercial water supply sources; environmental training/ professional training courses, and other environmental services. For more information about B.F. Environmental Consultants, visit and
Visualizing Earth Systems – Earth Science Week in October
Alexandria, VA – Science teachers and students can go online today to use a new educational resource of the Earth Science Week website, the “Visualizing Earth Systems” page, which features instructive visualizations of Earth science phenomena.
Educators know the power of compelling visualizations, those that graphically depict data in ways that help students grasp challenging concepts. Now Earth science teachers have a collection of such visualizations, right at their fingertips at
Supporting the Earth Science Week 2015 theme of “Visualizing Earth Systems,” this new page on the program website links educators and students to dozens of recommended visualizations dealing with energy, climate, minerals, water, hazards, and other topics. In addition, the page offers links to overviews of these topics provided by AGI’s Critical Issues Program at
Users are invited to help improve the page by sharing their favorite Earth science visualizations. Please submit the URLs for favorite online geosciences visualizations to Help strengthen Earth science education by sharing effective resources with fellow educators!
Reaching over 50 million people annually, AGI leads Earth Science Week in cooperation with the geoscience community as a service to the public. Each year, community groups, educators, and interested citizens organize celebratory events. Earth Science Week offers the public opportunities to discover the Earth sciences and engage in responsible stewardship of the Earth.
To view the visualizations page, please visit:
Earth Science Week 2015 will be celebrated October 11-17. To learn more, please visit To order your Toolkits, please visit You may also call AGI Publications to place your order at 703-379-2480.
Get Your Drinking Water Tested
Learn About the Hazards in Your Community
Take an Online Course
Careers In Energy Northeast Pennsylvania Valley View High School
Valley View High School Careers in Energy Day
Keystone Clean Water Team participated in this event. There appeared to be over 100 students that learned about energy related careers. Our presentation was related to all forms of energy with a focus on renewable energy, conservation, waste reduction, and the need for a National Energy Policy and Plan. We also discussed career planning and how best to take the first step to make a positive change. A pdf of the presentation , Careers in Energy Northeast Pennsylvania, can be found here. In addition, the students turned in a number of old cell phones. Great Students and Future Leaders !
Regional Training Courses or Programs
Sustainability Training and Energy Production Distribution
Training in Energy Audits
Everything we do began with an idea.
We have offered “Free” Assistance to this effort, but if you are a private well owner that needs assistance we are happy to help.
We realize your time is precious and the world is hectic. CCGG’s volunteers do only what they’re comfortable with. It can be a little or a lot. Get YOUR WATER Tested – Discounted Screening Tests !
For more information, please go to CCGG’s About Page or contact us. Follow us on Twitter
Keystone Clean Water Team is a 501(c)(3) IRS approved nonprofit, volunteer organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Unsolicited donations are appreciated (Helps us complete our mission), but we also do local educational workshops and local cellphone/small electronic recycling programs. If you would like to set up a program to help recycle cellphones at an event, business, or other organization. Through our program we can recycle cell phones, iPods, game systems, and small digital cameras. If your interested, please contact us.
Help the Organization and Get Your Water Tested or Order the Private Well Owner Guide (proceeds benefit This Organization). Water Science Basics!
Wastewater Used to Map Illegal Drug Use
Environment News Service
CORVALLIS, Oregon, July 15, 2009 (ENS) – For the first time, patterns of illegal drug use across a state have been mapped using a method of sampling municipal wastewater before it is treated.
Applying analytical methods developed at Oregon State University, researchers from OSU, the University of Washington, and McGill University collected single-day samples from 96 municipalities across Oregon, representing 65 percent of the state’s population.
They tested the samples for evidence of methamphetamine, cocaine, and MDMA, commonly called ecstasy.
Municipal water treatment facilities across Oregon volunteered for the study to help further the development of this methodology as a proactive tool for health officials.
Their findings provide a snapshot of drug excretion that can be used to better understand patterns of drug use in multiple municipalities over time.
The study, published this week in the journal “Addiction,” reports a demonstration of this method conducted by UW drug epidemiologist Caleb Banta-Green, OSU chemist Jennifer Field, OSU toxicologist Daniel Sudakin, McGill spatial epidemiologist Luc de Montigny and others.
“This work is the first to demonstrate the use of wastewater samples for spatial analyses, a relatively simple and cost-effective approach to measuring community drug use,” said lead author Banta-Green.
Meth user (Photo courtesy Eyes of the World Media Group)
“Current measures of the true prevalence of drug use are severely limited both by cost and methodological issues,” he said. “We believe these data have great utility as a population measure of drug use and provide further evidence of the validity of this methodology.”
“Municipalities across the state generously volunteered to help us test our methods by collecting samples more or less simultaneously, providing us with 24-hour composite influent samples from one day – March 4, 2008,” said Field, who led the laboratory analyses of the samples.
Lab tests of the samples showed that the index loads of a cocaine metabolite were significantly higher in urban areas and below the level of detection in some rural areas.
Methamphetamine was present in all municipalities, rural and urban.
Ecstacy was at quantifiable levels in less than half of the communities, with a significant trend toward higher index loads in more urban areas.
The researchers said their study validates wastewater drug testing methodology that could serve as a tool for public health officials to identify patterns of drug abuse across multiple municipalities over time.
“We believe this methodology can dramatically improve measurement of the true level and distribution of a range of illicit drugs,” said Banta-Green. “By measuring a community’s drug index load, public health officials will have information applicable to a much larger proportion of the total population than existing measures can provide.”
The research team recognized that the data used for this study are inadequate as a complete measure of drug excretion for a community or entire state. The team looked at a single day, mid-week sample, for instance. Results might be altered depending on the day or time of year the sample was gathered.
Currently, Field and Banta-Green are working on a project funded by the National Institutes of Health to determine the best method for collecting data in order to get a reliable annual estimate of drug excretion for a community.
NKeystone Clean Water Team Available – Hazards in Community and Drug Labs.